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Moving towards sustainability: Why PassivEnergy is an @workspaces customer 

Rob Iacono is the director of PassivEnergy, one of the leading energy consulting firms in Melbourne. As someone who is dedicated to developing environmentally sustainable designs (ESD) for their clients, it was important for Rob to find a workplace that provides modern facilities and shows commitment to implementing sustainable practices.

Rob and his team have extensive experience in building design, construction, and sustainable building methodology. This makes PassivEnergy the go-to team for ESD and sustainability services for residential property owners as well as commercial property developers.

sustainable office space

It’s not only ESD professionals becoming more aware of sustainable practices in the workplace. As more people become conscious of climate issues and incorporate sustainability into their lives there’s a collective effort to make workplaces greener. Coworking spaces are leading the way in terms of sustainable office design by abolishing windowless rooms, artificial lighting and cramped cubicle spaces in favour of open floor plans that maximise natural light and warmth with high-performance windows. 

Coworking spaces, such as @workspaces, offer multiple locations so businesses can adopt satellite offices that are closer to employees’ homes. This gives staff the ability to choose the most convenient location to travel to, encouraging a green commute for staff while also improving your team’s overall wellbeing and performance.

There are many reasons why coworking spaces are a better workplace solution than traditional office buildings. Our move toward sustainability is just another factor that makes coworking spaces a positive consideration for your organisation.

“We spend a third of our life in the workplace so making it a bit healthier has a lot of benefits. A sustainable workplace means that the work environment is more comfortable and efficient, resulting in a happier workforce,” Rob shared. 

Why coworking spaces are more sustainable than traditional office buildings

Coworking spaces are a relatively new movement, allowing them to incorporate sustainable design and practices into the workplace and fight against climate change more effectively than conventional office buildings. 

 “As more organisations implement hybrid work models, they can reduce the office space they occupy and reduce their overall carbon footprint,” Rob said.

 Coworking spaces open up the opportunity for flexible work arrangements, which can improve the overall energy consumption of your organisation. Multiple companies reduce the total energy they use when they share the same office space since workstations are used in shifts throughout the day. 

 This is different to a traditional office space which burns electricity across all areas, even if the building isn’t fully occupied. Recreational areas in a coworking space are also furnished with energy-efficient items, such as coffee makers and LED TVs, to improve the use of the building’s electrical system. 

 Designing communal areas instead of cubicle spaces can lessen the wood and building materials used in construction, reducing the overall material usage. Coworking spaces also produce less waste than traditional office spaces, with garbage bins situated in central, high-traffic areas since members are better distributed across an open space. Sharing resources amongst coworking members, such as materials and machinery can also minimise waste generation while reducing costs.

 Promoting sustainable practices and habits at work can improve your team’s overall wellbeing and productivity. When your team learns that your organisation is taking steps to improve environmental impacts, it can give them a sense of purpose and make them feel more engaged in their work.

How you can incorporate sustainability into your workplace

It’s important for every business and organisation to take steps to incorporate sustainable workplace practices. These practices work best when they reflect your company values and serve as concrete steps in improving the immediate environment of your work team.

 Here are three key ways you can integrate sustainable practices in your workplaces:

  • Be more efficient with electric consumption - Be mindful of the appliances running in the background and ensure that only the essentials are switched on - you can use automatic switches to do this for you. As well as feeding more dedicated power to the equipment you use most, it can minimise energy consumption and save wear and tear on your equipment. You can also invest in energy-efficient appliances and equipment to improve long-term sustainability and performance.
  • Reduce disposable plastics - Coworking spaces will usually offer fully functional pantries and dining areas, so you can bring reusable cutlery and tumblers instead of using disposable plastics. You can also replace bubble wrap and plastic packaging with shredded paper or recyclable cartons and boxes for deliveries.
  • Practice carbon offsetting - Carbon offsetting is an activity that compensates for carbon emissions, such as planting trees. While this doesn’t replace the importance of adapting environmentally friendly habits, carbon offsetting is a good step as part of your shift towards sustainability.

Choosing the right office building is crucial as you start implementing more environmentally sustainable business practices. While environmental consciousness at home is important, having a sustainable workplace can enhance your efforts and open new avenues for making a real impact on environmental issues. 

When browsing coworking spaces Rob recommends that “Businesses can ask sustainability-related questions about a potential workplace and get a feel for the place while they’re touring the facilities.”

Rob also spent some time searching for the right workplace and passed over several office options that were in much older and less energy-efficient buildings before he finally found @workspaces.

What you can expect from @workspaces

Workspaces are passionate about building sustainable coworking spaces that promote healthy and sustainable living and working conditions for its members. As a business owner, Rob chose @workspaces for himself and his team at PassivEnergy to take advantage of modern facilities, dedicated staff and commitment to incorporating future sustainable practices. 

Workspaces provide natural light as well as spacious offices that include greener, cleaner spaces with carefully chosen indoor plants. 

The workspaces team is committed to providing a positive working experience for members while building a tight-knit community within the coworking space.

“The community manager is very thoughtful and the workspaces team has the same work ethic as us, addressing issues as soon as they pop up,” Rob shared.

There’s a growing trend toward sustainability in the workplace. Taking measures to improve the environment can positively impact your staff's wellbeing and productivity and promote a greener world. Contact us to book a tour and see our sustainability features in practice on our sites.


When you are ready to take the next step there are three things you can do by either email or calling us on
1300 818 128.

  • Get a quote
  • Book a tour of one of our business centres
  • Contact us with any questions you may have

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